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CMH — 30 Jul

XML AGENCY LTD is a ticket supplier for regular and charter flights. On this website you can have a look at the actual prices and the assortment of the offers for B2B clients. All the prices that you see are final, they do not contain any agent commissions nor include any service fees for issuing your tickets. The majority of the prices listed down below are lower than the prices offered in GDS or meta-search systems.

We guarantee that after signing a contract the assortment of the offers and their prices won’t differ from the ones listed on this website.

Connecting via the XML protocol is completely free. There are no charges for signing in, certification, searching, booking, issuing and voiding the tickets. XML API has the complete functionality. The XML API protocol specification and all the necessary details for your trial access you can download using this link: xml_agency_api.pdf

Technical characteristics of the XML API are renowned for their fast response time (about 5 seconds) and stability when processing massive amounts of search queries (up to 500 000 search queries per hour). Partnership with meta-search systems is acceptable.

Commercial terms do not depend on the method used to book the tickets, it can be done either through the website or using the XML protocol.

Payment for the tickets is done using the deposit that you have on the balance of your company in our system. You can use your deposit completely to pay for the tickets. The amount of money that you have on your account can be any. It’s possible to sign a contract using one of the following currencies: US dollar, Euro, Russian rouble, Chinese yuan. When paying with a bank card 2% commision is applied.

You can send a request to exchange and refund your tickets by contacting the 24/7 support service.

All the operations after the purchase of the tickets are performed strictly in accordance with the rules of the tariffs of the airlines. In case of exchanging or refunding the tickets a fixed service fee might be applied.

We invite you to contact us at [email protected] in order to sign a contact and register your account.
